EMC Publishing is proud to present it's exciting new literature program, Mirrors & Windows. This seven-level program is built on a collection of rich, diverse, and timeless writings by renowned, award-winning authors.
Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature, Level I (Grade 6) - Common Core State Standards Edition: Student Edition Package (Textbook and Interactive Student Edition on CD)
ISBN: 978-0-82196-088-2Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature, Level I (Grade 6) - Common Core State Standards Edition: eBook (6-year license)
ISBN: 978-0-82195-747-9Aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts
EMC Publishing is proud to present its exciting new literature program, Mirrors & Windows. This seven-level program is built on a collection of rich, diverse, and timeless writings by renowned, award-winning authors.
Mirrors & Windows challenges students to reach their maximum potential while differentiating instruction for individual learners. Using a gradual release approach to reading, students will achieve a deep comprehension of the material and a greater appreciation of the literary genres. They will learn to recognize and make connections between the selections, the world, and themselves. Along the way, they will discover a love of literature that will grow throughout their lives. Truly, literature will turn mirrors into windows for your students.
The finest literature, timeless authors, topics and themes that spotlight big ideas-these are just a few of the compelling reasons to make Mirrors & Windows a part of your curriculum.
Approach to Learning
Gradual Release of Responsibility Reading ModelPrint Components
Student EditionA range of Student Edition selections engage students while teaching the genres, literary elements, and critical thinking skills.
Annotated Teacher's Edition
The ATE is a flexible management tool designed to fit your teaching style and provide daily solutions to classroom challenges.
Meeting the Standards Unit Resources
Each unit resource book (1 per unit) provides study guides, model reading lessons, writing workshops, and activities to practice and apply language arts strategies and skills.
Exceeding the Standards Resources
Eight resource books enrich students beyond the standards while developing communication and test-taking skills.
Alternative teaching options, evaluation guidelines, and lesson plans for all selections help you plan your class.
Assessment Guide
Lesson tests, unit exams, formative reading surveys, and oral reading fluency tests in addition to alternative assessment options make assessing your students' learning easy and thorough.
Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners
Students interact with authentic selections from the Student Edition.
Differentiated Instruction for Developing Readers
Students learn, practice, and apply reading strategies and skills through mini-lessons.
Differentiated Instruction for Advanced Students
Students are challenged to develop comprehension skills and focus on critical analysis.
Technology Components
Teacher Resources DVD
Provides access to all print and technology products:
Web-Based Components
www.mirrorsandwindows.comGO GREEN!
All resources are available on CD, DVD, or online!
"I LOVE the Mirrors and Windows books! Great lay-out. Great pre-reading activities and info. Excellent post-reading questions and ideas for writing. I especially love how Romeo and Juliet is done-terrific front-loading info for reading Shakespeare, the time period etc. I can imagine it would be especially helpful for a teacher who is just beginning and lacks a lot of supplemental information."
Susan Murai
English Lit and Comp Teacher
Southridge High School
Enlightenment Neighborhood
Beaverton, OR
"Elma High School adopted the Mirrors and Windows program mainly because we had been so happy with the previous EMC program: Literature and the Language Arts. In fact, we banked our funding for the year of our adoption and waited for the new EMC book to be published. The selection of literature is excellent, as are the leveled questions at the end of selections. I appreciate that these questions are directly focused on specific thinking skills and are clearly labeled by these skills. The teacher materials allow so much individualization. I can target reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, specific reading, and career-building skills in every unit. I can use the Mirrors and Windows audio library to have students listen to professional readers if I want them to hear the text aloud. I can individualize assignments for my special education students, my ESL students and my most gifted students without having to create these lessons myself. There are prepared PowerPoint lessons and other electronic support, including a year-long planner and ExamView test creator. I have never had so many options, nor so much auxiliary material help, as I have now with the Mirrors and Windows program. Plus, we have received excellent, personalized customer service with EMC."
Deanne Woita
English Department Chair
Elma High School
Elma, WA
Preview the entire program here! / http://www.emcp.com/previews/mirrorsandwindows/
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