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We’re glad you’re here. Please use the offerings on this website to make the EMC/NYC Long-Term ELL Literacy Program work for you and your students. Help us as we build a learning community based on best practices for teaching English Language Learners. We want you to learn from each other and share what’s working and what’s not. Your contributions to this program and learning community will make a huge difference for your students, your school, and the learning group.

Key Contacts for the EMC/NYC Long-Term ELL Literacy Program

For EMC program information:
Laurie Skiba
EMC Editorial Content Director

For middle school literacy:
Tina Stanisci
EMC ELL Literacy Consultant

For high school literacy:
Janet Reda
EMC ELL Literacy Consultant

For inquiries to the NYC Department of English Language Learners:
Juan Santiago
SIFE Coordinator